As the CEO of InVue, James Sankey of North Carolina continues to lead a company dedicated to research and development. InVue has earned its reputation for pushing the capabilities of modern security solutions for merchandising businesses. It has not only endured for more than 50 years, but it has continued to evolve with a constant mindset of developing security solutions that meet the needs of the modern business.
InVue has been a leader in the industry for more than 50 years. By learning more about company history, potential customers and the public alike can better understand what has helped the company thrive under James Sankey of North Carolina as well as his father before him. A consistent trend is the amount of effort placed on examining the potential of emerging market trends to position InVue to take advantage of upcoming market opportunities.
1972 – Richard Sankey started Alpha Enterprises as a product design company. The first office was an old Canton, Ohio home that was converted into a new office space.
1984 – Spotting an opportunity for growth, Richard Sankey shifted the focus of his organization to product marketing. A sign of the times, Alpha specialized in selling security packaging for audio cassettes. Video rental service stores across the United States turned to Alpha to ensure the safety of their video cases.
1992 – Once again showing the courage to pivot when the company was doing well in order to strive for more, ’92 brought an introduction to a new range of packaging and security products for compact discs.
1993 – Sensing the exciting changes going on in the tech space and the possibilities of growth in home computer use, Alpha Consumer Products debuted a complete line of home storage products, which would provide security for home office accessories.
2002 – The new century brought about an exciting time for Alpha Security Products. The S3 key was introduced as a revolutionary single-key concept to operate a broad line of retail security products. Retailers who had long suffered from the hassle of managing multiple keys to assist their customers could now turn to the S3 key.
2006 – The year 2003 marked another launch year for a major piece of innovation from James Sankey of North Carolina’s team at Alpha Security Products. With POD or Protection on Demand, a new alarm security device was debuted to give retailers an easier-to-use alarming security device for handheld electronics. The new IR Key was part of the POD concept to provide increased security functionality.
2007 – With the company strongly believing in the benefits of their IR key over traditional magnetic keys and a strong belief that the need for handheld electronics would continue to grow, the S3 product line was sold to Checkpoint Systems in 2008. This marked the launch and formation of InVue.
2012 – Five years after the formation of InVue, the IR2 Key and OneKey ecosystem were introduced to the market. Retailers who took advantage of this storewide single key security platform were provided a new way to increase their sales and decrease the likelihood of theft. 2012 also marks the launch of InVue’s Smart Lock. This electronic lock and key system helped secure merchandise in supply cases while making it easy for reailers to access these products for interested customers.
2015 – With the emergence of tablets like the iPad, InVue launches a full line of business tablet solutions for businesses to keep their tablets secure and safe to utilize for their staff.
2017 – A new full software suite is developed by InVue to connect better and enhance the InVue security platform. This innovation help provide retailers with more critical data and analytics.
2020 – InVue Point of Sale excitedly announces the NE360 mobile payment system. This brilliant point-of-sale system allowed any combination of tablet or mobile devices with any payment terminal.
2021 – Seeing the need for enhanced critical infrastructure security, InVue moves into the space with several solutions providing real-time visibility, access control and unmatched security to users.
2022 – InVue evolves its CE Brands division to Strategic Partnerships. The move is made by James Sankey of North Carolina and his team in order to offer merchandising, IoT, access control, and security solutions to a larger audience of brands and enterprise customers who sell through retailers.
2023 and Beyond – InVue is dedicated to continued growth. The company pledges to remain invested in research and development so that InVue can remain a brand known for adapting to offer the solutions their clients need.
Want to learn more about security products, professional development, recent tech industry news, charitable work, and associated topics regarding InVue and its CEO? Be sure to visit JamesSankeyNorthCarolina.com for the latest blog posts.